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David Fernández Caravaca

David Fernández Caravaca (Córdoba, 1995) is one of the leading figures of the new generation of young Spanish conductors. He won the first edition of the Orchestral Conducting Competition of Juventudes Musicales de España, held in February 2023 in Valladolid. As part of the prize, he was appointed assistant conductor of the Castilla y León Symphony Orchestra for the next two years, also working regularly with the newly formed OSCyL Joven.

In the 2024-2025 season, he will make his debut with the Spanish Radio and Television Symphony Orchestra and serve as assistant conductor for the National Youth Orchestra of Spain and Concertgebouw Young, among other projects. In recent months, he has guest-conducted the Royal Seville Symphony Orchestra, the LJO Rheinland-Pfalz, and the Jenaer Philharmonie, and served as music director for the revival of Richard Ayres' opera "Peter Pan" at the Staatstheater Mainz.

Recently, he was admitted to the second level (formerly "Masters of Tomorrow") of the Forum Dirigieren of the German Music Council, of which he has been a fellow since April 2022. Since that same month, he has been the Principal Conductor of the Córdoba Youth Orchestra.

He completed his orchestral conducting studies from 2019 to 2024 in the prestigious class of professors Nicolás Pasquet and Ekhart Wycik at the Hochschule für Musik FRANZ LISZT in Weimar (Germany), regularly collaborating with the Jenaer Philharmonie, the Staatskapelle Weimar, the Thüringer Philharmonie Gotha-Eisenach, and the Filharmonie Hradec Králové. Starting in September 2024, he will begin a postgraduate program at the Reina Sofía School of Music in Madrid.

He began his conducting training with Maestro Miguel Romea in Madrid and participated in courses and masterclasses with renowned orchestras and professors, including the Nürnberger Symphoniker, the Niederrheinische Sinfoniker, the Badische Staatskapelle Karlsruhe, the Kritischen Orchester, the Philharmonisches Orchester des Landestheaters Coburg, and the Asturias Symphony Orchestra, among others, with maestros such as Johannes Schlaefli, Mark Rohde, Jonathan Darlington, Mikhel Kütson, Georg Fritzsch, and Johannes Wildner. In the fall of 2022, he assisted GMD Hermann Bäumer at the Staatstheater Mainz.

Fernández Caravaca began his musical training as a violist at the age of eight at the "Músico Ziryab" Conservatory in Córdoba, continuing at the Royal Conservatory of Music in Madrid, where he graduated in 2017 with honors. During this period, he was part of various youth orchestras in Spain, the Netherlands, and Slovenia, and collaborated with the Córdoba Orchestra in several subscription and special programs. His interest in historical performance has led him to work as a violist in various specialized ensembles, such as the Vox Orchester and the Thüringen Bach Collegium. In the field of chamber music, he was a founding member of the Cuarteto Clásico de Córdoba, with which he gave concerts in Spain, Germany, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia.

To complement his training, he completed a Master’s program in Applied Musicology at the University of La Rioja between 2021 and 2024.

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